Set Your House in Order


This five-week Set Your House in Order small group study is designed to enable you to assemble and organize your important financial information in just one place.


A free copy of Your Money Counts is included with the study!


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Product Description

Set Your House in Order is an outstanding tool to help you plan your estate and manage your current finances. A small group is the most effective setting for applying what you’ll learn in this study.

The small group format is flexible and can be taught in a variety of ways. Some examples include; meeting every other week for class to give time to complete practical applications or having five consecutive weeks and meeting a month later to ensure all practical applications are complete. The study may also be conducted in a classroom, seminar or completed by an individual.

Topics Include:

  • Building a Foundation
  • Taking Inventory
  • Providing for Your Loved Ones
  • Leaving a Legacy


“This study gave me direction to do all that I need to do to prepare for my Graduation from this life into eternity” – Fred Jones


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